A bot for the chat service Discord that adds many features including games such as Checkers and Paper Soccer and moderator functions such as a ticketing system and a way for mods to give people roles faster using emojis.
Made with Typescript, NodeJS, discord.js
- Configuration: settings for some parts of inter·punct
- Fun: games and other fun commands
- Emoji: commands for managing emoji
- Channels: channel management
- Administration: commands to help administration
- Custom Commands: custom commands config
- Speedrun: speedrun.com integrations
- Quickrank: allow moderators to rank people quickly
- Autodelete: have inter·punct remove certain messages automatically
requires: node >=16.9
corepack enable
git clone https://github.com/pfgithub/interpunctbot
cd interpunctbot
yarn install
yarn docs
view the docs by setting up a webserver in /docs. for example
yarn global add serve
serve docs
go to https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me and create a new application. in the sidebar go to bot and select to create a bot user.
go to the oauth tab and under scopes check bot
. then under bot permissions,
select any you want. back in the scopes section, copy the url and visit it to
invite the bot to a server.
go to the bot tab and get the token (click to reveal token or press the copy button).
create config/config.json
and fill it with
{ "token": "your bot token goes here" }
copy config/knexfile.example.json
to config/knexfile.json
. you probably
don't need to make any changes.
there are other configuration options available which you can see in
now, set up the database with
yarn knex migrate:latest
start the build watcher with
yarn build-watch
then start the bot with
node built
and restart that to restart the bot
to use the restart command, you have to first add yourself as an owner
in config/config.json
, add , "owners": ["your discord id"]
second, you need to run the bot to automatically restart
bash: while node built; do [ ]; done
fish: while node built; end
windows: use git bash or wsl instead
run the build watcher
yarn build-watch
and this onchange script
onchange -k built/\*\*/\*.js -- fish -c "node built --gen-docs && serve docs -p 3001"
will restart the docs server every time a file is saved and the code rebuilds