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black and red

Seen 4107 times. Last seen 2020-09-04T00:42:30.064Z.

the smaller buildings are entirely burnt out, brick and rusted steel the only indicator that they once existed. what isn’t caked in ash is glaring in angry red, like an ancient fiery beast. the road continues deeper, but even as the remains of the structures grow taller, the debris grows thicker, crowding the flat street and making your travel slower. you climb atop the rubble and continue on, the flat road disappearing underneath the wreckage. the path continues into the heart of the city, until you reach the foot of the tallest tower, the one you saw from the outside. what once were grand double doors welcome you inside, but you could get in through any of the numerous broken windows at ground level anyway. this tower isn’t as skeletal as the others; some walls are still intact, and many patches of concrete indicate that floors higher up are still stable.
