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a ladder down

Seen 1 time. Last seen ??.

into the darkness the ladder descends, but it’s not long until you reach the bottom. suddenly, the lights go on, and you hear the metallic click of a weapon. a human male stands a couple meters away, terror in his eyes, pointing his shotgun straight at your chest. about him are dozens of shelves, stocked to the brim with canned goods and plastic gallons of water. there’s a bed on the floor behind him with a small television next to it. two doors are to the left. you put your hands up in a display of innocence, and the man whispers, his ragged gasp shaking with fear, “what are you?”

as you open your mouth to speak, the panic in his eyes grows, and he yells, “i won’t let them… they won’t do it to me too!” and without hesitation, he angles the barrel under his chin and pulls the trigger.
