a collection of quickly hacked together sites to act as an interface to a quickly hacked together piece of javascript code
- "infinitely" zoomable drawing
- text gradient generator
- LͫAͧY̍EͭRͥtext
- namegenerator
- xmaskl game
- s(b)ev(e) f(in)de(r)
- discord minesweeper generator
- typing speed test
25 | preformatted code() |
- click recorder playback
- hotkey
- line game
- relative change ^v^^vv^v^^v^^
- jst(!!{}+{})[!!{}+!!{}+!!{}]xt
- relative change mouse ^v=
- advent of code day 13
- inkshooter
- clicker game
- ten hour time
- unitconv
- thtconv
- d¡scordunusuaI
- emoji🐸︎lines
- typespeedhelper
- guessthenumber
- wordslide
- bookmarklet generator
- rain
- syncthevideos
- encr - public key cryptography
- tabconfig - titled tabs for the tree style tab
- reader - read long unstyled html files
- timextract
- squash-stretch bouncy ball experiment